Friday, March 21, 2014

Happy Vernal Equinox

Yesterday was the first day of Spring. But with all the warm weather we've been having, signs of Spring have already been here for a while.

The first male Hooded Oriole of the season showed up about 2 weeks ago, followed by another male and 2 females. They are shy and difficult to photograph. We've been putting out sliced oranges and a feeder cup of jelly for them to enjoy.

Peaches and Nectarines are already forming on our trees. Looks like the Apricot tree might be a bust this year. It produced 4 flowers about a month ago, then went right to leaf. It has some new flowers now, so we'll see if they set fruit.

Last weekend we started noticing lots of Painted Lady butterflies, all headed in a northwest direction.

The Golden Butterflyweed is recovering quickly from the severe munching by the Monarch caterpillars. It is putting out lots of fresh new leaves.

One of our Ocotillos has started flowering. The bright red blooms look like flames on the tip of spiny, spindly candles.

Catkins are forming on our Mesquite trees. They will attract all sorts of pollinating insects.

Our Palo Verde tree is covered with buds that are starting to bloom. Palo Verde trees covered with bright yellow blooms are one of the prettiest trees in the desert.

The Salt Heliotrope patch in our front yard has been expanding. This is the plant that we were pulling as a weed, until we noticed how much the Queen Butterflies like it. We had to do some selective trimming, so it doesn't completely take over.

Another weekend in the 80's is in our local desert forecast.
Another beautiful weekend for working in the yard, before the hot weather hits.

"Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower."
~ Hans Christian Anderson

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